Portfolio and Asset Management

We take on the active planning, management, implementation and control of all value-influencing measures and ensure the sustainable positive development of your property portfolio.

Fields of activity

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Portfolio Analysis

Transparency and Precision

A thorough analysis of your property portfolio is the starting point for all strategic decisions. Our proven data concept combines the relevant property data with current market developments and local property prices. This allows us to draw an in-depth picture of your entire property portfolio and show you the opportunities and risks of the individual properties. The result is transparent and understandable and forms a sound, reliable basis for decision-making.

Example: Based on criteria such as location, building condition, rental income potential or vacancy rate, a rough categorization of the properties was carried out as part of a portfolio analysis. The risks and optimization potential identified were decisive for this.

Portfolio Strategy


Our customized portfolio strategies ensure sustainable performance and effective risk management. We define clear responsibilities and processes that lead to transparent decisions.

Through an iterative approach and close dialogue with you, we ensure that the key dimensions are taken into account and your individual objectives are fully mapped.

Example: In workshop loops with various committees of our clients, we developed a customized strategy that laid the foundation for restructuring the organization and enabled targeted management.

Property Strategies


Our property strategies maximize the long-term success and profitability of your property investments. Through comprehensive analyses of all properties, we develop individual strategies that are tailored to your goals. We identify structural, economic and ecological potential and formulate targeted measures to achieve your profitability targets.

Example: For one property owner, we were able to identify great potential in the repositioning of a residential property and initiate a project that promises a high return on the capital invested.

Management and Controlling


We monitor commercial operations and analyse the building stock during the utilization phase. Working closely with the management team, we provide effective support in reducing vacancy rates and strategically planning maintenance and repair measures. Our aim is to optimize cost structures and promote entrepreneurial action.

Example: Our initiative to obtain additional competitive bids for a major refurbishment project enabled us to save over 25 % of the owner's costs.



Our Microsoft Power BI-based owner portal gives you access to current and historical performance data at any time. With harmonized key figures and standardized income statements, we enable comparability and benchmarking at the portfolio level.

We guarantee the security and protection of your data in accordance with data protection guidelines.

Example: Thanks to our in-house expertise, we are able to respond to new requirements for the functionality and content of your owner portal and implement them in the shortest possible time.

CO2 Reduction Path


By planning energy measures at an early stage, we increase the value of options and our ability to respond to regulatory changes. Investments in renewable energies and energy efficiency reduce operating costs and minimize risks.

We prioritize the measures according to ecological, economic and technical criteria in order to formulate sustainable and economically advantageous solutions.

Example: For one portfolio, we have aligned all measures in the CO2 reduction process with the property strategies and integrated them into the multi-year planning.

Multi-Year Planning


With our multi-annual programming, we guarantee you an optimum utilization of your financial capital. We regularly analyse the condition and technical life span of your properties in order to identify and schedule necessary maintenance and repair measures at an early stage.

When prioritizing, we take advantage of market opportunities to increase value. Effective diversification over time increases flexibility in liquidity planning and ensures the availability of financial and human resources.

Example: Thanks to the ten-year horizon of our multi-annual programming, you can clarify financing issues at an early stage.



We ensure the success of your property investments by continuously monitoring and analysing market conditions. We analyse large data pools with the help of specially developed business intelligence solutions, identify relevant trends and risks at an early stage and act proactively.

Example: Our regular screening of cantonal subsidy programmes enables us to choose the right time to benefit from state subsidies.

Selected references in this field

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